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Doctoral School: Algorithmic Decision Theory: MCDA, Data Mining and Rough Sets

Cost IC0602 International Doctoral School
Algorithmic Decision Theory: MCDA, Data Mining and Rough Sets
Session 2008 : April 11-16, 2008, Troina, Italy

Organizing and scientific committee: S. Greco (University of Catania,
Italy), B. Matarazzo (University of Catania, Italy), M. Pirlot (FPMs,
Mons, Belgium), R. Slowinski (Poznan University of Technology, Poznan),
A. Tsoukiàs (CNRS-LAMSADE, Paris).

This programme is an activity of the COST Action IC0602 “Algorithmic
Decision Theory” ( It is also supported by the Faculty of
Economics of University of Catania and the Department of Economics and
Quantitative Methods of University of Catania. It is the second doctoral
school organised by the COST Action IC0602 (the first took place in Han
sur Lesse (BE), in September 2007; see more in

Promote recent research results obtained in the field of Multiple Criteria
Decision Analysis (MCDA), Data Mining and Rough Set Reasoning about Data,
Train students in applications of new tools based on the above results,
Develop contacts and collaboration among young researchers in this field.

Target participants: doctoral students engaged in decision theory or
decision support, understood in a broad sense (i.e. MCDA, Data Mining and
Rough Set Analysis, Multiple Objective Optimisation, Decision under Risk
and Uncertainty, Algorithmic Decision Theory, Preference Elicitation and
Modelling, etc.)

Organisation: during their stay, up to 25 selected doctoral students will
receive intensive training in three selected topics dispensed by three
prominent scholars; the participants will be given an opportunity to
present their own work and receive a feedback. Additional senior
researchers will stay for one or two days and give a talk. All
presentations and discussions will be in English.

Practical issues: the participants will be accomodated in the congress
centre "La Cittadella dell'Oasi" located in Troina, a small city 70
kilometers far from Catania (Eastern Sicily). The working sessions will
take place in the Centre, as well as the meals. The Centre can be reached
by bus from Catania. A special bus will be organized for the participants.

Sketch of the programme: a typical day will consist of two lectures of two
hours on the following topics (provisional titles):
Preference Elicitation for Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, by V.
Mousseau (LAMSADE, Paris)
Rough Set Approach for Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, by R.
Slowinski (Poznan University of Technology, Poznan)
Data Mining, by Jerzy Stefanowski (Poznan University of Technology,

About three hours will be devoted to presentation and discussion of their
research by the participants. Three senior researchers will visit the
School and deliver short lectures.

Fee: the School is supported by the COST Action IC0602 “Algorithmic
Decision Theory”. The fee for students is 150 € for the entire stay (full
pension). Travel expenses are not covered by the organizers.

Application: doctoral students, especially those in early stages of their
research, are invited to apply for participation to the School by sending
a short CV that mentions their background and their research interests
and/or achievements. Applications must be sent before
February 20, 2007
to Salvatore Greco ( The scientific committee will
select the participants on the basis of their research interests and
record. Priority will be given to students from countries involved in the
COST Action. Students who already participated to the School organised in
September 2007 can apply again although priority will be given to new
applications. Applicants will be informed of the decision of the committee
by March 10, 2007.

For further information send an e-mail to
For further details look at


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