Si terrà ad Ischia la 39-ma edizione della conferenza annuale dell'AIRO, dal titolo Optimisation and logistics in transportation and communication networks".
Dal sito ufficiale della conferenza riporto alcune informazioni utili.
Date and location
AIRO2008, the XXXIX Annual Conference of Italian Operational Research Society, will be held on September 8th-11th, 2008, at the Hotel Continental Terme (, in Ischia, one of the wonderful islands of the Gulf of Naples, known and appreciated all around the world for its natural beauty and thermal water. Below some pictures of the Conference site.
Programme Committee
Alessandro AGNETIS – Università di Siena, Claudio ARBIB – Università de L’Aquila, Lucio BIANCO – Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Alberto COLORNI – Politecnico di Milano, Theodor CRAINIC – Universitè de Montreal, Renato DE LEONE – Università di Camerino,
Giorgio GALLO – Università di Pisa, Francesco GAROFALO – Università di Napoli “Federico II”,Manlio GAUDIOSO – Università della Calabria, Gennaro IMPROTA–Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Antonino MAZZEO–Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Mauricio RESENDE–AT&TLabsRes. NJ-USA, Giovanni RINALDI – IASI-CNR Roma, Carlo SBORDONE – Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Anna SCIOMACHEN – Università di Genova, Antonio SFORZA (Chair) – Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Paolo TOTH – Università di Bologna , Giorgio VENTRE – Università di Napoli “Federico II”
Organising Committee
Maurizio BOCCIA – Università del Sannio, Giuseppe BRUNO – Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Giovanni FELICI – IASI-CNR Roma, Paola FESTA (Chair) – Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Salvatore MATTERA – Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Claudio STERLE – Università di Napoli “Federico II”
Call for papers
The theme of the Conference is open, but contributions on Optimisation and Logistics on Transportation and Communication Networks will be highly appreciated.
Researchers and practitioners working on the conference themes are invited to send an abstract of the presentation of at most 300 words, written in MS Word or text format without mathematical formulas, by April 15th, 2008. The file should also contain title, authors, affiliations with address, telephone, fax and e-mail, three keywords and no more than five references. The name of the speaker must be explicitly indicated.
Files should be sent via e-mail to:
The AIRO2008 Programme Committee will select papers to be presented at Conference and included in the Conference Proceedings.
A special issue of one or more International Journals may be devoted to the papers presented at the Conference. Authors interested in this opportunity must submit to the Conference secretariat their full paper by September 30th, 2008.
Note that:
Dal sito ufficiale della conferenza riporto alcune informazioni utili.
Date and location
AIRO2008, the XXXIX Annual Conference of Italian Operational Research Society, will be held on September 8th-11th, 2008, at the Hotel Continental Terme (, in Ischia, one of the wonderful islands of the Gulf of Naples, known and appreciated all around the world for its natural beauty and thermal water. Below some pictures of the Conference site.
Programme Committee
Alessandro AGNETIS – Università di Siena, Claudio ARBIB – Università de L’Aquila, Lucio BIANCO – Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Alberto COLORNI – Politecnico di Milano, Theodor CRAINIC – Universitè de Montreal, Renato DE LEONE – Università di Camerino,
Giorgio GALLO – Università di Pisa, Francesco GAROFALO – Università di Napoli “Federico II”,Manlio GAUDIOSO – Università della Calabria, Gennaro IMPROTA–Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Antonino MAZZEO–Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Mauricio RESENDE–AT&TLabsRes. NJ-USA, Giovanni RINALDI – IASI-CNR Roma, Carlo SBORDONE – Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Anna SCIOMACHEN – Università di Genova, Antonio SFORZA (Chair) – Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Paolo TOTH – Università di Bologna , Giorgio VENTRE – Università di Napoli “Federico II”
Organising Committee
Maurizio BOCCIA – Università del Sannio, Giuseppe BRUNO – Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Giovanni FELICI – IASI-CNR Roma, Paola FESTA (Chair) – Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Salvatore MATTERA – Università di Napoli “Federico II”, Claudio STERLE – Università di Napoli “Federico II”
Call for papers
The theme of the Conference is open, but contributions on Optimisation and Logistics on Transportation and Communication Networks will be highly appreciated.
Researchers and practitioners working on the conference themes are invited to send an abstract of the presentation of at most 300 words, written in MS Word or text format without mathematical formulas, by April 15th, 2008. The file should also contain title, authors, affiliations with address, telephone, fax and e-mail, three keywords and no more than five references. The name of the speaker must be explicitly indicated.
Files should be sent via e-mail to:
The AIRO2008 Programme Committee will select papers to be presented at Conference and included in the Conference Proceedings.
A special issue of one or more International Journals may be devoted to the papers presented at the Conference. Authors interested in this opportunity must submit to the Conference secretariat their full paper by September 30th, 2008.
Note that:
- A speaker can give only one talk;
- Each speaker MUST fill in the registration form and send it via fax to +39 081 7683636 or via e-mail to
- For other information including important dates and registration fees, please download the Call for Papers.