L'IMT di Lucca, Institutions Markets Technologies, ha un bando aperto per un ricercatore universitario in Dynamical Systems, Control, and Optimization. Di seguito un estratto del bando:
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In bocca al lupo agli interessati.
MT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca invites applications for an Assistant Professor position in the area of analysis, control and optimization of complex dynamical systems. Candidates with a sound knowledge of control and optimization methods and an interest in both theoretical research and applications to practical problems are desired. Research experience is expected in at least one of the following areas: model predictive control, dynamic optimization, stochastic optimization, control systems design based on optimization methods. Previous experience with applications of control/optimization to smart grids and energy markets is a plus, but candidates with experience in other application areas are welcome. Candidates with a Ph.D. in engineering or mathematics with a focus on control oroptimization are preferable, and they should have an excellent record of high-impact international publications.I termini per l'iscrizione scadono il 31 ottobre 2011.
The Assistant Professor will be a part of the Research Unit "DynamicalSystems, Control, and Optimization" (DYSCO, http://dysco.lab.imtlucca.it/) in the Computer Science and Applications area of the Institute, and will perform research activities, tutorship and mentoring of Ph.D. students, limited teaching of graduate courses and participation in the development of the research activities of the Institute.
Appointment compensation packages will depend on the candidates and their records of accomplishment, but are competitive on an international level. Applicants mustbe able to teach graduate courses in English; knowledge of Italian is not required.
Interested candidates must apply before October 31st, 2011 12:00 pm CET byfilling in the online application form at http://www.imtlucca.it/faculty/positions under "Junior Faculty Recruitment Program". They will also be asked to submit a CV, research paper (published or working) and the name and contact details of three referees.
For further information about the position, applicants can refer to the website, or can contact Sara Olson, e-mail: researchers.opening@imtlucca.it.
Per maggiori informazioni fare riferimento ai seguenti link:
In bocca al lupo agli interessati.