Giro il seguente annuncio della conferenza annuale dell'AIRO:
CALL FOR PAPERS - FIRST ANNOUNCEMENTAIRO2009, the Fortieth Annual Conference of the Italian Operational Research Society,September 8-11, 2009,School of Engineering of the University of Siena, Siena, Italy.http://airo2009.dii.unisi.itTheme and Scope***************The conference will address all areas of operations research, with special emphasis on applications of decision models to management problems, including performance evaluation, process engineering, benchmarking, logistics, organizational issues.The AIRO2009 Scientific Committee will select papers to be presented at the Conference and included in the Conference Proceedings.A special issue of an International Journal may be devoted to the papers presented at the Conference.Authors interested in this opportunity must submit their full paper by September 30th, 2009.Plenary talks***************Fritz Eisenbrand (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)Michael Pinedo (New York University)Franz Rendl (Universität Klagenfurt)Submission***************Prospective contributors are invited to send an abstract of the presentation of at most 2000 characters, by May 15th, 2009.The abstract should contain title, authors, affiliations with address, telephone, fax and e-mail, three keywords and no more than five references.The abstracts should be uploaded at the conference web-site:***************The Conference is organized into plenary and parallel sessions.Opportunities for software demonstrations are available.The Conference languages are Italian and English. A speaker can give only one talk.Important Dates***************May 15th, 2009 submission of abstractsMay 31st, 2009 notification of acceptanceJune 15th, 2009 early registrationConference dates 8-11 September, 2009Contacts***************Alessandro Agnetis, tel: +39.0577.234.623Paolo Detti, tel: +39.0577.234.635Fax: +39.0577.234.629E-mail: airo2009@dii.unisi.itWeb: http://airo2009.dii.unisi.itOrganizing Institutions***************Information Engineering Department, University of Siena, ItalyAssociazione Italiana Ricerca Operativa (AIRO)Conference Chairs***************Alessandro Agnetis - Chair of the Scientific CommitteePaolo Detti - Chair of the Organizing Committee