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Call for PapersHYBRID METAHEURISTICS - HM 2009Sixth International WorkshopUdine, ItalyOctober 16-17, 2009*********************************************************************Metaheuristics have received considerable interest in the fields ofapplied artificial intelligence and optimization. Many hardproblems in a huge variety of areas, including bioinformatics,logistics, engineering, business, etc., have been tackledsuccessfully with metaheuristic approaches. For many problems theresulting algorithms are considered to be the state-of-the-artmethods.In recent years it has become evident that a skilled combination ofmetaheuristics with other techniques for optimization or amongthemselves, a so-called hybrid metaheuristic, can provide a moreefficient behavior and a higher flexibility especially when dealingwith real-world and large-scale problems.SCOPE AND TOPICS OF INTERESTThe HM 2009 workshop aims at papers describing good examples ofcarefully designed and well-analyzed hybrid metaheuristics.Topics of interest include, but is not limited to:- novel combinations of components from different metaheuristics,- hybridization of metaheuristics and AI/OR techniques,- low-level hybridization,- high-level hybridization, portfolio techniques, expert systems,- cooperative search,- automated parameter tuning,- empirical and statistical comparison,- theoretical aspects of hybridization,- parallelization,- software libraries.PAPER SUBMISSIONResearchers are invited to submit papers of not more than 15 pages.Authors are strongly encouraged to typeset their papers with LaTeXand to submit them in PDF format (see Information for LNCS Authorsat information on the submission procedure are available onthe workshop website.Every paper will be reviewed by at least two members of the programcommittee. Researchers are explicitly encouraged to addressstatistical validity of their results, if they compare differentapproaches. Source code and problem instances, if relevant, shouldbe made available on the Internet.The submitted papers must be original works. Simultaneous submissionto other conferences with published proceedings is not permitted.PROCEEDINGSAs in the previous editions of the workshop, accepted papers will bepublished as a volume of the LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE seriesof Springer.IMPORTANT DATESSubmission of papers: May 24, 2009Notification of acceptance: July 2, 2009Camera-ready papers: July 12, 2009Workshop: October 16-17, 2009FURTHER REMARKSHM 2009 shall be a non-profit workshop. The workshop fee will be keptas low as possible.GENERAL CHAIRSLuca Di Gaspero, Universita' di Udine, ItalyAndrea Schaerf, Universita' di Udine, ItalyPROGRAM CO-CHAIRSMaria J. Blesa, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, SpainChristian Blum, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, SpainAndrea Roli, Universita' di Bologna, ItalyMichael Sampels, Universite' Libre de Bruxelles, BelgiumPROGRAM COMMITTEEMauro Birattari (Universite' Libre de Bruxelles, BE)Juergen Branke (AIFB, Univ. Karlsruhe, DE)Marco Chiarandini (University of Southern Denmark, DK)Carlo Cotta (University of Malaga, ES)Karl Doerner (Universitaet Wien, AT)Andreas Ernst (CSIRO, AU)Antonio J. Fernandez (Universidad de Malaga, ES)Paola Festa (Universita' di Napoli Federico II, IT)Jose' Gallardo (Universidad de Malaga, ES)Thomas Jansen (University College Cork, IE)Joshua Knowles (University of Manchester, UK)Andrea Lodi (Universita' di Bologna, IT)Manuel Lopez-Ibanez (Napier University, UK)Rafael Marti' (Universitat de Valencia, ES)Daniel Merkle (University of Southern Denmark, DK)Bernd Meyer (Monash University, AU)Martin Middendorf (Universitaet Leipzig, DE)Jose A. Moreno (Universidad de La Laguna, ES)J. Marcos Moreno (Universidad de La Laguna, ES)Nysret Musliu (Technische Universitaet Wien, AT)Boris Naujoks (Technische Universitaet Dortmund, DE)David Pelta (Universidad de Granada, ES)Steven Prestwich (4C, Cork, IE)Christian Prins (TU Troyes, FR)Caroline Prodhon (TU Troyes, FR)Guenther Raidl (Technische Universitaet Wien, AT)Guenter Rudolph (Technische Universitaet Dortmund, DE)Marc Sevaux (University of South-Brittany, FR)Thomas Stuetzle (Universite' Libre de Bruxelles, BE)Greet Vanden Berghe (KaHoSl, BE)LOCAL ORGANIZATIONSara CeschiaLuca Di GasperoGrazia MateraAndrea SchaerfUniversita' di UdineDipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica, Gestionale e MeccanicaCONTACT INFORMATIONEmail: hm2009@uniud.itWeb: +39 0432 55 8251Regular mail: HM2009 OrganizationLuca Di Gaspero / Andrea SchaerfDIEGM, Universita' di Udinevia delle Scienze 20833100 Udine, ITALY