Dal sito internet del Prof. Baoding Liu ho trovato due interessanti libri sulla teoria dell'incertezza.
Uncertainty theory is a branch of mathematics based on normality, monotonicity, self-duality, and countable subadditivity axioms. The goal of uncertainty theory is to study the behavior of uncertain phenomena such as fuzziness and randomness. The main topics include uncertainty theory, probability theory, credibility theory, and chance theory. This book provides a self-contained, comprehensive and up-to-date presentation of uncertainty theory. The purpose is to equip the readers with an axiomatic approach to deal with uncertainty.Theory and Practice of Uncertain Programming
Real-life decisions are usually made in the state of uncertainty (fuzziness and randomness). How do we model optimization problems in uncertain environments? How do we solve these models? In order to answer these questions, this book provides a self-contained, comprehensive and up-to-date presentation of uncertain programming theory, including numerous modeling ideas and applications in system reliability design, facility location problem, vehicle routing problem, project scheduling problem, and machine scheduling problem.Non li ho letti, ma scorrendo l'indice mi sembrano molto interessanti.
Il relatore della mia tesi di dottorato faceva notare che il libro è pieno di lacune, e molti concetti apparentemente innovativi sono sviluppati in modo inesatto.
Non so di conseguenza quanto questa risorsa possa essere valida e affidabile. Grazie dello spazio concessomi, spero sia utile!
grazie per la tua segnalazione. Spero possa essere utile a qualcuno.
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