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Second Call for Papers EURO2013/INFORMS

Quest'anno ci sarà molto da parlare e commentare:
EURO - INFORMS 2013 Joint International Conference                                                                                                             
EURO XXVI                                                                                         
July 1-4, 2013,  Rome, ITALY


Following the success of previous EURO Conferences, we solicit your submission                                                           
and participation to the XXVI EURO – INFORMS Joint International Conference:                                                                       
“All roads lead to OR” which will be held in Rome on  July 1-4, 2013. The                                                                           
Program Committee chaired by Marc Sevaux (EURO) and David Simchi Levi
(INFORMS) and the Organizing Committee chaired by Paolo Dell’Olmo (AIRO),                                                                                       
are preparing a high quality scientific program and an exciting social program for                                                                                           
the conference. We are confident that the XXVI EURO – INFORMS Joint  International                                                     
Conference will be an extraordinary opportunity for the OR community to get together                                                                       
again in a unique location, and we are looking forward to meeting you in Rome in 2013.                                                             
Please visit the Conference website ( for more information.

Submission Deadline:                                                            March 1, 2013
Notification of Authors:                                                        March 15, 2013
Deadline early registration (and inclusion in the program):  April 15, 2013

Registration and Welcome Cocktail:                                    June 30, 2013

Conference date:                                                                    July 1-4, 2013

Hal VARIAN:                          Google
Further  Plenary speakers will be announced.

Enrique BENAVENT:              Arc routing problems, mainly exact methods
Ashish GOEL:                          Optimization for e-commerce and social networks
Adam LETCHFORD:              Combinatorial optimization
Sanjay MEHROTRA:              Optimization and healthcare
Linet OZDAMAR:                    OR for humanitarian logistics
Joel SOKOL:                            Industry and teaching

Dimitri BERTSIMAS:              Portfolio optimization
Stéphane DAUZERE-PERES:  Lot sizing problems
Zonghao GU:                            Software and integer programming
Hoai An LE THI:                      Difference of convex functions optimization
Gunther RAIDL:                      Stochastic search
Rakesh VOHRA:                      Game theory and discrete optimization


We invite all researchers, academicians, practitioners,  as well as
students interested in any branch of Operational Research,
Mathematical modeling or economic analysis to participate at the
conference and to present their research. Invited and contributed
papers will be organized in parallel sessions. No participant can
present more than one paper at the conference. Abstract submission                                                                                         
and registration are both online, via the conference web page

Abstracts: max. 600 characters; submission deadline: March 1, 2013.

Researchers who want to organize a Stream (a collection of Sessions around                                                                                             
one topic) or a Session, or wish to contribute a paper within an invited
session are still welcome to contact the PC member of the corresponding
area. We invite submissions on - but not limited to  the following Main Areas:

- Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Systems
- Computing
- Continuous Optimization
- Control Theory & System Dynamics
- Data Science, Business Analytics, Data Mining
- Decision Analysis, Decision Support Systems, DEA and Performance Measurement
- Discrete Optimization, Geometry & Graphs
- Emerging Applications of OR
- Energy / Environment and Climate
- Financial Modeling, Risk Management, Managerial Accounting
- Game Theory, Mathematical Economics
- Location, Logistics, Transportation
- Metaheuristics
- Multiple Criteria Decision Making and Optimization
- OR Education, History, Ethics
- OR for Developing Countries, Humanitarian Applications
- OR in Health, Life Sciences & Sports
- OR in Industry and Software for OR
- OR in Natural Resources
- Production Management & Supply Chain Management
- Revenue Management
- Scheduling, Time Tabling & Project Management
- Service Systems
- Simulation, Stochastic Programming and Modeling
- Soft OR and Problem Structuring Methods
- Telecommunication, Networks and Social Networks

For closer information about the given Streams in these areas, please see


- Marc Sevaux, France (Chair)
- David Simchi-Levi, USA (Chair)
- Sally Brailsford, UK (EURO VP1)
- Maria Antónia Carravilla, Portugal
- Marielle Christiansen, Norway
- Paolo Dell’Olmo, Italy
- Guillermo Gallego, USA
- Jérémie Gallien, UK
- Michel Gendreau, Canada
- Diego Klabjan, USA
- Ana Meca Martínez, Spain
- Rolf Möhring, Germany
- Mike Pinedo, USA
- Christian Prins, France
- Abraham Seidmann, USA
- Kenneth Sörensen, Belgium
- Ariela Sofer, USA
- Fabio Tardella, Italy
- Tamas Terlaky, USA
- Mike Trick, USA
- Steef van de Velde, The Netherlands
- Christos Vasilakis, UK
- Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber, Turkey (Advisor to EURO Conferences)


- Paolo Dell’Olmo, University of Rome (Chair)
- Renato De Leone, University of Camerino
- Giovanni Felici, Italian National Research Council - IASI Rome
- Paola Festa, University of Naples
- Stefano Giordani, Tor Vergata - University of Rome II
- Francesca Guerriero, University of Calabria
- Silvano Martello, University of Bologna
- Gaia Nicosia, University of Rome III
- Laura Palagi, Sapienza - University of Rome
- Fabio Schoen, University of Florence
- Anna Sciomachen, University of Genova
- Roberto Tadei, University of Torino
- Walter Ukovich, University of Trieste


The Registration opens on June 30 (Sunday), 4 pm with Welcome Reception
from 6 pm to 10 pm in the Campus of Sapienza. The Conference starts July 1
(Monday) with the Opening Session in the Aula Magna and proceeds with the
working sessions up to Thursday morning. In the evening of July 2 (Tuesday)
there will be a social event: Night@Sapienza. The Conference Gala Dinner will
be held in the evening of July 3 (Wednesday). In the late morning of July 4,
the Conference ends with the Closing Session in the Aula Magna.

For the interesting Satellite Events which will be closely related to EURO-INFORMS
2013, please see

The following registration fees apply:

- Regular: 350 Euro (early); 470 Euro (late),
- Student: 190 Euro (early); 290 Euro (late),
- Accompanying persons: 80 Euro.

Early registration ends  April 15, 2013.

Rome receives more than 7 million tourists a year and since July is
high tourist season, to enjoy the conference in the most convenient
way, we strongly recommend to book as early as possible:

1. Accommodation in Rome through the Conference webpage.
2. Air tickets as early as possible.

The Conference Secretariat has reserved a large number of rooms in a
number of hotels in Rome, as close as possible to the conference site
(the Campus of Sapienza University of Rome, located in Rome central
area). Please keep in mind that in the Conference period Rome is very
busy with tourists and any delay in booking hotel rooms could be a real                                                                           
problem. For more details, consult the conference site,                                                                                 
where all relevant information will be regularly updated..                                                                                                                       
On further questions regarding travel and accommodation, please contact                                                                                         

EURO-INFORMS 2013 will be hosted by Sapienza Università di Roma. It is sponsored by                                                                         
the following organizations:

- The Italian Operations Research Society (AIRO),
- The Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO),
- The Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS).

For any further information please contact:

Studio Ega Srl - EURO-INFORMS Conference Secretariat
Viale Tiziano, 19 - 00196 Rome, Italy


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