Ricevo e rigiro per gli interessati.
Dear colleagues,
we are kindly inviting you to submit an abstract to the stream of LOT-SIZING AND RELATED TOPICS,
at the
XXVI EURO - INFORMS Joint International Conference, July 1-4, 2013, Rome, ITALY (http://euro2013.org)
Within this stream we seek contributions to cover recent advances in lot-sizing on the following topics among others:
- Applications of lot sizing in real world cases including implementation case-studies discussing organisational challenges and data issues
(Good case studies will be invited to publish in OR Insight.);
- Integration of lot-sizing with other problems, such as: scheduling, distribution and vehicle routing, procurement, and cutting and packing;
- Extensions of lot sizing models, including (but are not limited to): non-triangular setups, period-overlapping setups,
multiple resource types, blocking, synchronization, multi-level and multi-machine systems, perishable goods;
- Solution methods for lot-sizing problems: heuristics, metaheuristics, exact methods, and hybrid approaches;
- Replanning and rescheduling, especially in the context of stochastic production environments.
- Stochastic lot-sizing problems
In order to submit an abstract, please use the session code: c44a0f9b.
Submission Deadline: March 1, 2013
Notification of Authors: March 15, 2013
Deadline early registration (and inclusion in the program) - April 15, 2013 Registration and Welcome Cocktail: June 30, 2013 Conference date: July 1-4, 2013
Apologies for cross-postings.
Kind regards,
Christian Almeder (European University Viadrina) Almeder@europa-uni.de, Bernardo Almada-Lobo (University of Porto) almada.lobo@fe.up.pt, Alistair Clark Alistair.Clark@uwe.ac.uk (University of the West of England (Stream organizers)