Dal sito dell'evento, alcuni estratti interessanti.
Call for papers:
Invited speakers:
Scientific Committee:
THE EURO Working Group on Locational Analysis XVIII will be held on April 28th-30th, 2010, at the Conference Center of University of Naples Federico II, in the city centre of Naples, Italy.
Call for papers:
The meeting intends to gather Operations Research practitioners from different parts of the world to share experiences in the field of Locational Analysis.
Invited speakers:
Bernard Fortz is an Associate Professor in the Graphs and Mathematical Optimization group at the Computer Science Department of Universite' Libre de Bruxelles.
Scientific Committee:
Elena Fernandez Areizaga - University Politecnica de Cataluna, Spain
Pasquale Avella - University of Sannio, Italy
Giuseppe Bruno (Ch.) - University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Renato De Leone - University of Camerino, Italy
Paolo Dell Olmo - University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
Gianpaolo Ghiani - University of Lecce, Italy
Ioannis Giannikos - University of Patras, Greece
Gennaro Improta - University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Martine Labbe - University Libre of Bruxelles, Belgium
Roberto Musmanno - University of Calabria, Italy
Olivier Peton - Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France
Mercedes Landete Ruiz - University Miguel Hernandez of Elche, Spain
Alfredo Marin Perez - University of Murcia, Spain
Stefan Nickel - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Frank Plastria - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Francisco Saldanha da Gama - University of Lisbon, Portugal
Maria Paola Scaparra - University of Kent, UK
Antonio Sforza - University of Naples Federico II, Italy