Al seguente link è possibile scaricare l'edizione speciale "Milestones in OR" del "Journal of the Operational Research Society".
Gli argomenti trattati sono:
Gli argomenti trattati sono:
- Milestones in OR
Sally Brailsford, Paul Harper and Duncan Shaw - Reflections on fifty years of operational research
J Rosenhead - 50 years of data mining and OR: upcoming trends and challenges
B Baesens, C Mues, D Martens and J Vanthienen - Fifty years of systems thinking for management
M C Jackson - Fifty years of probabilistic decision analysis: a view from the UK
A Morton and L D Phillips - Fifty years of scheduling: a survey of milestones
C N Potts and V A Strusevich - Simulation modelling is 50! Do we need a reality check?
S J E Taylor, T Eldabi, G Riley, R J Paul and M Pidd - Reflections on queue modelling from the last 50 years
D Worthington - A tutorial in irregular shape packing problems
J A Bennell and J F Oliveira - The rise, current position and future direction of asset management in utility industries
A Brint, J Bridgeman and M Black - Knowledge management: a review of the field and of OR's contribution
J S Edwards, B Ababneh, M Hall and D Shaw - Fifty years of operational research and emergency response
N C Simpson and P G Hancock - Locational analysis: highlights of growth to maturity
H K Smith, G Laporte and P R Harper - Forecasting for inventory planning: a 50-year review
A A Syntetos, J E Boylan and S M Disney - 50 years of OR in sport
M B Wright - One hundred years of Operational Research in Health—UK 1948–2048 FREE
G Royston