Il web2.0 ha travolto e stravolto molti modi di lavorare e comunicare. Tra le sue vittime pare esserci pure la famosa "sci.op-research digest". Per chi non lo sapesse, si trattava di un mailing-list gestita da Brian Borchers, sulla quale venivano spedite con una certa cadenza gli articoli che apparivano sul news-group sci.op-research.
Riporto il messaggio "di addio" perché credo faccia parte della storia che cambia.
Riporto il messaggio "di addio" perché credo faccia parte della storia che cambia.
The internet seems to have evolved to the point that everyone has
access to the world wide web and RSS feeds, making the weekly digest
of sci.op-research postings an anachronism.
For those of you who don't have access to an old fashioned usenet news
feed through your institution or internet service provider, it's
possible to access the sci.op-research news group from any web browser
using the Google Groups service at
In addition to browsing the postings on the web, you can easily get
the postings in an email digest or as an RSS feed.
Before I stop sending out these digests, I'd be happy to hear from
anyone who feels that they're still necessary. Unless there's an
demanding the continuation of the digest, I'll shut it down at the end
of the month.